Have you ever wondered how to build lean muscle for females? You may have lost weight through cardio workouts and found that your muscles lack tone and definition. Therefore, this is a guide to building and maintaining muscle.
Regularly Weight Train
The key to building muscle is consistency. Therefore, you should do regular workouts. You should complete your weight training regularly. In fact, as your strength increases, you may move from two sessions per week to up to four.
Increase Your Training Intensity
Over time, your muscles will get used to the exercises and weight you are using. Therefore, consider varying your exercise program. Avoid always doing the same weight training exercises. In addition, you can increase the number of reps or sets you do for each exercise. Increasing the weight you use is another key to consistently building and maintaining your muscle mass.
Build Multiple Muscles at the Same Time
Your weight lifting should focus on multi-joint or big muscle groups. This allows you to build more effectively. Be sure to also build smaller muscle groups to prevent injury, but to build strength, focus on larger areas, such as your legs.
Manage Your Calorie Intake
Women who are focused on building muscle should about five to 10% more calories than they would to maintain their weight. However, the type of calories you take in is important. For example, women who seek to build muscle should consume almost two grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. This means that you may need up to 115 grams of protein if you weigh an average of 140 pounds.
However, this protein should be lean. For example, you should eat white-flesh fish, white-meat poultry, Greek yogurt, lean beef and eggs. However, don’t forget plant proteins such as tofu, beans, peanuts, quinoa and peas.
Also, don’t forget to add carbohydrates into your diet. In fact, you need complex carbs to fuel your body during your workouts. Add in oats, sweet potatoes, whole-grain pastas and legumes.
Consider Intermittent Fasting
You may have also heard about beginner intermittent fasting. Many believe that fasting actually cause muscle loss, but this is not the case. When you fast, your body breaks down protein. However, this protein is defective and often includes intestinal mucosa or skin proteins. No muscle proteins are broken down during intermittent fasting.
However, this process has added benefits. It can actually help you build muscle mass if you have an otherwise healthy, balanced diet and you continue your training program. Because your body enters fat metabolism, or ketosis, it is in the optimal condition for muscle building.
Give Your Body Some Rest
Your muscles need rest to repair and regenerate. Therefore, avoid working the same muscles every day. Instead, give your body a day to rest in between weight-lifting sessions. You can do light cardio or focus on a different muscle group, but avoid straining the same muscles day after day.
Also, be sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night, especially those that follow your weight training workouts. While you sleep, your body repairs itself, and it needs adequate time.
Learn more about building and maintaining muscle effectively from Brooke Burke fitness. Choose the workout program that works best for you.