Every time you see a ‘4-hour’ schedule on the New York Times Bestselling List – know for a fact, Tim Ferris is the name behind it. He is known globally as the ‘human guinea pig’ thanks to the multiple experiments that he takes on himself. This range of experiments has resulted in Tim Ferris net worth see a humongous figure of $100 million. Most financial magazines stick to this figure, though according to some detractors, the net worth amounted to be at $50 million.
So, what’s the actual figure? Additionally, this digital write-up will give you a precise idea about his achievements, his business ventures, his career and education, and a glimpse of his family life. Lastly, the Biography Talk will give you an idea about the philosophies of his life. Let’s begin –
What is Tim Ferris net worth currently?
According to the data available in the initial quarter of 2022, Tim Ferris net worth stands at $100 million. His annual income stands at $15 million. As of now, his entrepreneurship venture BrainQuicken netted $40 million within 2 years of starting it up.
Though there are certain financial portals that claim his net worth to be in the range of $50-$70 million. However, as of now – if you have to ask for the netted amount – $100 million is the standing figure.
Now that’s a humongous amount!! So, how did a simple East Hampton guy earn this fortune at an age of 45 years? Scroll down to get clarity on the same –
How did he build this massive wealth?
What we see today of Tim Ferris net worth is an accumulation of his business ventures, salary earnings, and income from streaming on multiple platforms. His portfolio in terms of his professional life includes – entrepreneurial ventures, podcaster, blogger, angel investor, and author. At a preliminary level, his sources of wealth are – BrainQuick, book royalties, Shopify, Taskrabbit, Evernote, and Uber.
He is an example of how a determined individual can reach the heights of success with his consistent hard work. For the record, his massive wealth is a result of his cautious investments. Call him the “master of entrepreneurs” and the “king of side hustles” initially he started investing in Shopify and Uber. With both returning high amounts, Uber is currently valued at $50 million (his set of shares).
It is his role as an angel investor that has made Tim Ferris net worth incredible to one and all! After his Uber win, he went on to invest in Alibaba, Facebook, Twitter, and Duolingo – all paying him back in millions. Another set of core areas where he invested was – startups!
Abiding by the Barbell Investing Strategy – he invested a majority of his money into low-cost index funds (an idea in which you invest small but in a potentially high-return format). Also for the record – Tim Ferris has 48 investments and 20 portfolio exits as credits to his name. CNN has named him as one of the leading angel investors worldwide.
What are his achievements in the professional field?
What has taken to reach the milestone of Tim Ferris net worth is a story that requires a whole book. In this section, you will get a glimpse of his achievements in the professional domain –
- Ferriss’s investments in startups have crowdfunding. They met the initial goal of reaching 78% of the target.
- Another source of Tim Ferris net worth is the podcasts he hosts. For 3 years running, his Apple Podcast has been selected as the Best Podcast.
- His set of guests includes – Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Zuckerburg, Lebron James, and Kevin Hart to name a few. It brings him – $100,000 per episode and an advert rate of $50,000 for each episode. He earns up to $250,000 per episode.
- Though the details are not out, his book – The 4-Hour Work Week has earned him millions. Ferriss earns a royalty of 12.5% from his books.
- His YouTube channel boasts 1000 videos, with earnings of about $4000-$7000 monthly. In terms of affiliate marketing and sponsorship – he earns millions since his site traffic is at 360,000.
- The other books he has authored from which he gets royalty is – The 4-Hour Chef, The 4-Hour Body, Tribe Mentors, and Tool of Titans. He earns royalty from all of them.
- His business of nutritional supplements – BrainQuciken earns him the rest of the cash.
- He also owns an Audiobook company – “Tim Ferriss Publishing.” His angel investments include names such as – DailyBurn, StumbleUpon, and TaskRabbit to name a few.
- In terms of monetary investments – he has residential property in San Jose that cost $499,000 (2010). Another investment of Tim Ferris net worth is in his range of power vehicles – Nissan, Range Rover, and Bentley.
How did this begin?
The path to creating Tim Ferris net worth started way back in 2000 when he was working elsewhere after passing out of Princeton University with East Asian Studies. His brainchild, the supplement company BrainQuicken was still at a nascent stage. With that at one side – he also started writing the book – “The 4-Hour Work Week.”
Apart from his work experience as a storage data manager, he also has worked at McDonald’s and CriagsList. He also started publishing and preparing for podcasts (one of the earliest podcasters) during that time.
Thus, one may state that the seeds of this had started beforehand, and what we see today is simply the fruits of his hard labor.
Would you like a glimpse of his personal life?
As a reader, you must have understood now that Tim Ferris net worth would not have reached such height if he did not have the support of his family. So, who are his family members and how did they help him achieve his goals?
Though he has always maintained that he has a loving family, specific details of his parents or siblings are not available on the internet. Additionally, last checked the dynamo philanthropist has not put forth any data about his partner as well. As of now, further details about the same are awaited.
What are his life lessons?
To earn a figure somewhere even nearer to what Tim Ferris net worth is – one needs to have a strong value system. Also, one needs to learn certain basic life lessons that would help him cement his or her professional career in the long run. Would you like to garner some knowledge about the same?
1. For starters – you must focus on your strength
In one of his podcasts, he himself states that to achieve Tim Ferris net worth you need to focus on your strengths and not weaknesses. When a person works more toward his or her strength then automatically he improves in that field. It is with this strength that they would go ahead in the field.
2. Secondly – you will have to able to learn from the failures
Another crucial point that he put forth was – people must have the ability to learn from failures. If they do not take lessons from it, and constantly harp on the fact that he failed – then they will never be able to climb the stairs of success.
3. Thirdly – you will be able to sell your ideas
What we see of Tim Ferris net worth today is not merely an idea stacked up in a box – but one that is put into reality. He constantly states that having some great ideas is not enough and one needs to have courage and determination to sell those ideas in the marketplace.
4. Fourthly – facing your fears is the way out
Much like other inspirational personalities, Tim Ferris also states that individuals who aspire to be big in life must face their fears. There’s no way to hide!
Summing up the thoughts
That was the available data that Biography Talk could lay hands on about Tim Ferris net worth. Are you a follower of his philosophy? If not, you could surely try out following the same. Do you have some story to share with us about Tim Ferris and his journey from a sexually abused child to one of the richest men in the venture town? Leave your comments below. For more updates on such reputed entities – keep checking this space for more.