Call her in patriarchal formats, such as Mrs. Amazon or Jeff Bezos’s ‘ex-wife’ – there is no denying that Mackenzie Scott – the name is good enough – is a force to reckon with! As one of the best-known philanthropists or a bestseller author, Scott has been partaking in the pledge – ‘giving back to the world’ very seriously. This post will enlighten you on Mackenzie Scott net worth along with some other facets of her life – her journey, her motto, and her philosophies toward life.
It is a humble request to you to read this write-up and garner further knowledge regarding her charities and how in spite of everything – her billions keep rising. Hopefully, it will be an exhaustive digital guide.
Mackenzie Scott net worth – The numbers
Taking into account the current financial statistics for 2022 – Mackenzie Scott net worth is – $43.6 billion. Initially, she was known as the wife of the world’s second billionaire – Jeff Bezos; however, after the 2019 divorce (touted as the costliest divorce in modern times) – she walked away with a massive fortune. That is precisely where she got her maximum monetary benefit.
#Random Fact – Bezz and Scott – met in 1992 while Bezos was working for the hedge fund DE.E.Shaw. It was a whirlwind romance – and they married after 3 months of dating each other. After that – Bezos quit Shaw to start his e-commerce fund Amazon with the support of Scott.

Image Credit: Vanity Fair
If one talks of the data – her divorce alimony amounted to 25% of the stocks of Amazon – which back then amounted to $36 billion (amount accrued to 19.7 million shares). Post her split with Bezos – she handed over her share of The Washington Post and Blue Origin to him.
As per the results declared by the Forbes 36th Annual List of the World’s Bilionaires – she was ranked 4th on the list. That’s not all – she had the 3rd largest number of shares in Amazon – after Jeff Bezos himself and Vanguard.
That’s quite some money! So, the next question that haunted almost one and all was – what would she do with that money? To know further details associated with Mackenzie Scott net worth keep reading the post.
#Random Fact – Mackenzie Scott was born in California and grew up in Marin County
Her philanthropic activities are on despite the stock crash
If one wants to know of her biggest donation – then for the uninitiated, that has been granted to the – ‘Giving Pledge’ initiative – which was initiated by the former Gates couple (Bill and Melinda) and Warren Buffett.
However, there have been reports of her fortune being negated by 18% due to certain unavoidable economic upheaval. Also to be noted is that – post her getting shares of Amazon, the company underwent a stock crash – amounting to a 3% negation which cost her a hefty amount (15% as per her stock accounts).
Some of her philanthropic activities include –
- Right after she inherited the billion dollars from her husband – she redirected (as per the latest news) – almost 4.75 million shares of Amazon towards honorable causes.
- According to the ratings provided by Forbes in 2022 – Biggest Lifetime Givers – Scott is ranked at the fifth position – with donations amounting to $12.5 billion to more than 1000 organizations.
- The primary arenas where she has contributed maximum are – small non-profit organizations and agencies associated with dealing with causes such as – gender inequality, racial injustice, women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ communities, and other niche domains.
- The organizations that she has donated amounts to include – Habitat for Humanity ($400+ million), Boys and Girls Club of America ($200+million), and Leading Educators ($10 million).
- According to her blog – a part of Mackenzie Scott net worth – amounting to $3.65 billion has been redirected to over 500 groups since the early months of 2021.
- As per Scott’s policy – she applies a ‘no-strings attached’ format to the donations. Once donated – she has no say in the manner in which the money is to be used.

Image Credit: Money Control
#Random Fact – Mackenzie Scott was a student researcher under Toni Morrison at Princeton University.
Would you like to know how much Mackenzie Scott net worth would buy in terms of assets? Well – at the current rate – it would buy you – almost 13 million ounces of gold (variation included), around 250+ million barrels of crude oil, closing into 0.141% of USA GDP, almost 8% of endowments of the top 100 colleges of USA and much more!
The philosophy that she follows in life
This is not the first time and surely not the last time Scott mentioned the concept of giving. She firmly believes and would whole-heartedly contribute to multiple charities and universities around the world (her specialty is contributing to low-key universities, housing estates for the poor, and random small organizations around the country).
She also strongly believes in moral values and the concept of family unity. Despite the divorce – Bezos, along with her 4 children, meet up for family occasions and formal dinners. For every event featuring their children – Scott is always present along with her ex-husband. As a matter of fact – she has also instilled strong value systems in her children and ensures that they follow the policy of giving back to the world to the utmost.
#Random Fact – Scott is the author of two bestsellers – The Testing of Luther Albright (2005) and Traps (2013).
Making the world a better place
Not every day do we meet people with a fortune equivalent to Mackenzie Scott net worth, ready to donate to the world. As a matter of fact – if one considers her ex-husband – Jeff Bezos – sometime back, there were allegations of his administration scolding his employees even for ‘bathroom breaks.’
Whatever it is, the world will surely become a better place when such people are around. If there is any other fact that you wish to add regarding Scott – feel free to leave a comment below. You can also check out the other posts written on this page. Hope you visit again!